Welcome to Evergreen Farms, home of 'Seven Stars'! 

Evergreen Farms is home to more than 100 model horses.
The focus of EF has switched from original finish Breyers to resins and customs,
but the showstring still includes a number of OFs (both Breyers and Stones).
I have put together a full online gallery of EF's custom models,
which I will try to keep updated.
However, because I have so many OF's,
I have just selected a few favorites to share with you.

Please enjoy browsing these pages,
and be sure to sign the guestbook on your way out!

While you are here, please sign my guestbook!

You are the

visitor since March 25, 1999!

Email Amanda

PLEASE NOTE: All images on this page are property of Amanda, unless otherwise stated.
Please do not take them without my written permission. Thank you!