Norman received his B.S. degree from Drake University in 1916 and was named
a Rhodes Scholar that year. He earned a B.A. from the University of Oxford
in 1920, his
M.A. from Oxford in 1920, and A.B.Sc. from Oxford in 1921. He received his
Ph.D from the University of Wisconsin in 1923. He was an instructor in
Chemistry at Harvard 1923-1924.
He was an instructor in Chemistry at Middlebury College in 1924-25, a
research assistant to Prof. Conant at Harvard, 1925-27, and a research chemist
at a company acquired by Dupont. He was director of chemical research from 1937.
He served with the 30th engineers with the U.S. Army 1917-1919. He
belonged to Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi, Alpha Chi Sigma.
More information: BIOGRAPHY