Cassius Homer Morgan

born: 28 Mar 1845, Prairie Creek Twp,Vigo Co.,Indiana
bapt: 6 Sep 1861, Middleton,Vigo Co.,Indiana, at Church of Christ
died: 20 May 1927, Middletown,Vigo Co.,Indiana, at his home
bur.: 22 May 1927, near Prairieton,Vigo Co.,Indiana, at New Harmony Cemetery
occu: farmer, school teacher, state legislator, and operator of general store
spouse: Ophelia Jane TRUEBLOOD
marr: 5 Oct 1865, Vigo Co.,Indiana
born: 11 Sep 1844, Prairie Creek Twp,Vigo Co.,Indiana
bapt: 16 Dec 1865, Middleton,Vigo Co.,Indiana, at Church of Christ
died: 12 Sep 1877
bur.: Prairie Creek,Vigo Co.,Indiana, at West Lawn Cemetery
Lora Alma MORGAN
Lula Ethelda MORGAN
Cassius Ray MORGAN
Fred Barr MORGAN
spouse: Nancy Malita ``Lita'' GILLCREES
marr: 28 Mar 1878, Vigo Co.,Indiana
born: 5 May 1856, Honey Creek Twp,VigoCo?,Indiana
died: 23 May 1924, Vigo Co.,Indiana
bur.: near Prairieton,Vigo Co.,Indiana, at New Harmony Cemetery
Everett Barns MORGAN
Ogle John MORGAN
Herman Huger MORGAN
Ira Mervin MORGAN
Walker Harry MORGAN
Hazel Belle MORGAN
Harvey Ernest MORGAN

Pedigree Chart

                      |--------David MORGAN (Great Britain - 1817, Kentucky)
           |---------Reece Jones MORGAN (1773, Virginia - 1835, Indiana)
           |          |
           |          |--------Deborah JONES (1751 - )
  |------Valentine MORGAN (1817, KY - 1880, Indiana)
  |        |
  |        |          |--------
  |        |          |
  |        |---------Lucretia CRAWFORD (1778, Kentucky - 1864, Indiana)
  |                   |
  |                   |--------
Cassius Homer MORGAN (1845, Indiana - 1927, Indiana)
  |                   |--------
  |                   |
  |        |---------David THOMPSON (Virginia - 1824, Indiana)
  |        |          |
  |        |          |--------
  |        |
  |------Frances Ann THOMPSON (1822, Indiana - 1913, Tennessee)
           |          |--------
           |          |
           |---------Barbara (Lutz) RAY (1785 - 1855, Indiana)

In 1898, Ogle Morgan shot a wild goose and Cassius invited the entire family over for a Thanksgiving feast. The Morgan descendents have continued celebrating this feast with a family reunion dinner each Thanksgiving. They celebrated the 100th anniversary reunion in 1998.

The following biography appeared in an 1880 Vigo County History:

C.H. MORGAN, farmer, Prairie Creek, is the son of one of the old and respected citizens of Prairie Creek township, who came to Vigo county, in 1829, and settled in Prairie Creek township, where the subject of this sketch was born in 1845, he having remained at home working on his father's farm until he was man grown. After this he began for himself, and at the present time he is the owner of as fine a farm as there is in Prairie Creek township. His buildings and his surroundings to the passer-by will go to show that Mr. MORGAN has not been idle, although when he took his farm it was in the rough and was a heavy timbered farm. His father was born in 1816, and died March 29, 1880. Mr. MORGAN has been twice married. His first wife was Ophelia TRUEBLOOD, daughter of B.G. TRUEBLOOD, who was one of the early settlers of Vigo county. The maiden name of his present wife was Nancy M. GILLCREASE. Mr. MORGAN has four children by his former and one by his present wife. Mr. MORGAN is a member of the Masonic fraternity of Lodge No. 178, which meets at Prairieton, and in politics he is a staunch republican.

The house that Cassius built was still standing as of the late 1990s. Cassius attended Merom Union Christian College for one term, taught in a local school, farmed, settled disagreements between neighbors thanks to his law education and served one term as a Republican in the state House of Representatives, in 1897. He also ran a general store in Prairie Creek, built a kiln to make clay drain tiles and bricks and taught his second wife, Lida, how to sign her name, because she had only three months of school.

Census: 1880, Prairie Creek Twp,Vigo Co,Indiana
Census: 1900, Prairie Creek Twp,Vigo Co,Indiana

More information: HISTORY | BIOGRAPHY

Sources for this individual: @S243@ @S952@ @S1069@ @S246@ @S1099@ @S1100@ @S1054@

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