|-------- | |---------Phenton LAWLOR (Ireland - Ireland) | | | |-------- | |------John LAWLOR (1803, Ireland - 1883, Iowa) | | | | |-------- | | | | |--------- | | | |-------- | Bridget LAWLER (1842, Ireland - 1928, Iowa) | | |-------- | | | |--------- | | | | | |-------- | | |------Mary LALOR (1816, Ireland - 1860) | | |-------- | | |--------- | |--------
Bridget Karigan is listed in the 1892 Crawford Co. farmers directory in West Side Twp.
An old Plat Map shows 40 acres registered to Bridget Kealy in Section 15 of Jackson Twp, Crawford Co. (NW quarter of the SW quarter) and 40 acres directly south of that (SW 1/4 of SW 1/4) in Section 15 registered to Bridget Kerrigan. Also, 160 acres, southwest of the above 80, in the NE quarter of Section 21 are registered to ``Kerrigan and Kealy.''
Bridget's first husband was 20 years older than she was, and her second husband was 10 years younger than her.
There is one big family tombstone at St. Ann's of Vail with ``KERIGAN'' on the front and with inscriptions for Lewis' first wife Julia and two of their children. On the back are inscriptions for Bridget and James, their son Lewis J. and his second wife Catherine, and Wm. Kealy (Bridget's son from her first marriage) and another ``William T. 1849--1923'' (probably the brother of James Kerigan).
More Information: OBITUARY (Bridget) | OBITUARY (James and others)
Sources for this individual: @S565@ @S560@ @S1177@ @S295@ @S542@ @S544@ @S531@