|--------Phenton LAWLOR (Ireland - Ireland) | |---------Daniel LAWLOR (1813, Ireland - 1896, Iowa) | | | |-------- | |------John LAWLER (1846, Ireland - ) | | | | |-------- | | | | |---------Mary L. DUNN (1811, Ireland - 1904) | | | |-------- | Mary Ellen ``Mamie'' LAWLER (1875, Iowa - ) | | |-------- | | | |--------- | | | | | |-------- | | |------Mary RYAN ( - ) | | |-------- | | |--------- | |--------
Mary Ellen's three Cummings sons moved to Chicago.
Mary Ellen, her husband John, John's first wife Catherine Chambers, and John's brother James Cummings (1870--1945, John's brother) are buried together at St. Ann's in Miller, SD (Block 9, Lot 17), but there aren't tombstones for them.
John Joseph Cummings had two children with his first wife, Catherine Chambers. The children were Etta (later Mrs. J. E. Cechman) and Francis (1880-1931, buried in Kadoka, SD) )
John moved to Miller, SD in 1888. After Mary Ellen died, he moved in with his daughter Etta in Luverne, Minnesota.
Sources for this individual: @S565@ @S1367@ @S1368@