Margaret Agnes was a nun known as Sister Mary Loyola with the Sisters
of Mercy.
She joined in the Novitiate in Dubuque on Oct 29, 1913, and made
her perpetual vows on June 22, 1916, also in Dubuque.
Her duties included teaching at Catholic Schools in Bankston, Iowa (1921--22)
and Waterloo, Iowa (1922--23) and Larchwood, Iowa (1932--34).
Most of her years, she was assigned to hospitals in Clinton, Dubuque,
and Waverly, Iowa and Battle Creek, and Ann Arbor, Michigan, with
the title ``Director of Nurses'' most years, but occasionally
a nurses' instructress or floor supervisor. Her records show she
was apparently ill for long stretches of time in several different
years as the record shows her assigned duty as ``Ill''
for those years.