Harriett Ballard

spouse: George BALL
marr: 24 Aug 1840, Jackson Co.,Indiana
born: 1818, Nelson Co.,Kentucky

Pedigree Chart

           |---------Reuben BALLARD (1748, VA or NC - 1820, KY)
           |          |
           |          |--------
  |------John BALLARD (1779 - 1848, Iowa)
  |        |
  |        |          |--------Abraham BALLARD (1705, VA - 1754, NC)
  |        |          |
  |        |---------Absilla A. ``Assala'' BALLARD ( - )
  |                   |
  |                   |--------Elizabeth SUMNER (1715 - )
Harriett BALLARD ( - )
  |                   |--------
  |                   |
  |        |---------John COX ( - )
  |        |          |
  |        |          |--------
  |        |
  |------Jinney COX (1775, Kentucky - Indiana)
           |          |--------
           |          |
           |---------Jinney ``Jane'' ( - )

According to data in the Rootsweb worldconnect database, Harriet's husband, George, was a brother of Nancy, who married Harriett's brother Reuben. Also, Moses Coy (2nd husband of Hariett's sister Apsilla) was married first to a Martha King, who was also a sister of Nancy and George. The parents of all three were James and Rachel (Culver) Ball.

Sources for this individual: @S1284@ @S339@

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