A Valentine Gift for You to Make!
Here is a cute little Valentine box you can make and fill up with sweets for someone special (or for yourself!).  It is very easy to make and is a nice little handmade keepsake.

Here's what you need:
~8-1/2" by 11" red cover or card stock paper for your printer.
~a single hole paper punch
~ribbon - 1/8" wide & 12" long (I used gold metallic)
~ stickers, small and pretty (4 for each box)
~candies to put inside box (Dove Promises dark or milk
          chocolate are nice and fit into box easily.)
 ~confetti - a bag of the milar kind (found in Wal-Mart,
          Hallmarks, etc.)

l.  Save the graphic below to a floppy disk or your hard drive.
2.  Bring the image up on a blank page of one of your com-
     puter programs (I use The Print Shop Deluxe) and
     size it up so it fills up the page.  The points of the box
     should come to just the edge of the page.
3.  Go to printer setup and choose "print in grayscale" and set
     your printer for econofast.  This is done so that when the
     box outline is printed, it will come out very faint and will
     not really be noticeable when it is done.
4.  Put the red paper in your printer and print it.
5.  Cut out around  the outline of the box carefully.
6.  Punch out holes where the four dots are on the pattern.
7.  With the gray lines facing up on the box, on the edge of
     a table, fold and crease each line on the box.  When all
     are folded, fold them in so that the gray lines are on the
     inside of the box (this way they will not show).
8.  Begin by folding one flap in, towards the inside of the box,
     then fold the next flap in and make sure it goes under that
     one.  Continue folding each flap under the previous one
     until all flaps are folded in and the box is now closed.  (It
     may want to keep slipping open, but that's okay for now.)
9.  Take the 12" ribbon and lace it through the holes in the top
     of the box - start by putting the ribbon in the first hole
     downward.  Then in the remaining three holes, go in
     the hole from the top also, until you have all four holes
     laced up.  Make a single tie in the ribbon to hold the box
     closed, but leave it loose and the box slightly open so you
     can put the candies inside it.  (You can also make up
     a nice little tiny note to add inside.  I roll mine up like a
     scroll and hold it together with a sticker.  I use
     parchment paper, which is nice.)
10.  After you put everything you want inside the box, care-
      fully pull the ribbon tight and tie it in a nice bow.
11.  Put a small sticker on each of the four sides of the outside
      of the box.  You can use hearts, snowflakes or whatever
      you want, but they have to be pretty small or tiny stickers.
That's it!  You're all done and now have a pretty little
handmade Valentine gift to give to someone.
If you have any problems, just email me and I'll be glad to help you with it.
Here's the graphic you need to download to make the box.
(Just right click on the image, then click on "save image
as" and save it to whatever file you want.)
 Happy Valentine's Day from two little lovebugs,
  Sweetcakes and Jellybean