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The Scoop







Welcome to my web page!

Hope you’re doing well. I’m doing fine, thanks!

I hope you enjoy.


Stan W Ellis








A Wedding and a Walk on Santa Monica Beach

My little brother Ricky was married in October 2004. The wedding was held in a beautiful home in Beverly Hills. What a wonderful experience!









A Trip to the Zoo

My singles class - at Castle Hills FBC - went to the zoo last Summer. Posted to the right are those photos. We had a blast!








A Thanksgiving to Remember

My singles class - at Castle Hills FBC - went to the Jimenez Thanksgiving party (2004). Not a lot of photos here, but we had a great time!







A Weekend at Alto Frio - 2005

The following are the photos from a

Single’s Retreat to Alto Frio near Leakey, Texas

A good time was had by all.








That’s all for now ..

I have quite a few more to add in the very near future, so keep coming by to visit me.

Thanks and hope to see you soon!















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