The Simple Joys

They miss so much who do not know
The simple joys of long ago
When life was lived with easy pace,
And thankful hearts said table grace,
When houses had a front porch swing,
(Oh, how we loved that creaky thing!)
On summer evenings friends would call
and they were welcome, one and all,
And Mom would serve homemade ice cream
As laughter from the porch would stream.

And vendors came to sell their wares;
The fun-filled trips to county fairs.
The concerts at the old bandstand
When music was so very grand!
They miss so much who never knew
Old-fashioned joys, such as I do.

The village church so gleaming white,
It's steeple bells that rang each night,
The solace that we all found there
As we met for a time of prayer.
Our values were quite different then,
Oh, time, can't I go back again!

We were not rich in days of yore,
But we had blessings by the score;
Our wealth was found in many things
From which the soul's contentment springs.
Our homes were filled with so much love,
Deep faith was ours in God above.

How much they miss who do not know
The lovely joys found long ago.
I wish that they could share with me
My pleasant trip in memory
Back to the good old-fashioned days
When life was lived in simple ways!

Author:  Beverly J. Anderson


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