
Universal light circle nigh
Bring their guardian angels by
Silver wings about them protect
All negative energy the angels will deflect.
Amid this turbulant universe we all move
Our lives safe, secure, and perfectly smooth.
From the freedom of America our soldiers came
Among Earth's terror they walk again
Haunted ever of soldiers lore
And the wars they know that went before.
We raise our hands in solemn oath
To heighten humanity's spiritual growth.
Together we work, America and thy
To focus the freedom, to stop pain's cry,
We move in tandem, as above, so below
Melded as one, our power will grow.
The world smiles at the work our soldiers have done
When God looks down, he sees many, not just one.

May God keep them safe and secure
until they have returned
to the safety of United States soil
and the arms of their
loved ones.

The Lancaster Family
We have many in our family that are
veterans of World War I, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and Saudi Arabia.
Thankfully, we have them home.

POW's Prayer

Father, Your own Son was a prisoner.
Condemned, he died for us.
Victorious, He returned to bring us the gift of life everlasting.
Comfort us now in our longing for the return of the Prisoners Of War
and those Missing In Action.
Help Us Father;
Inspire us to remove the obstacles.
Give courage to those who know the truth to speak out.
Grant wisdom to the negotiators,
and compassion to the jailors.
Inspire the media to speak out as loudly as they have in the past.
Protect those who seek in secret and help them to succeed.
Show us the tools to do Your will.
Guard and bless those in captivity, their families, and those who work for their release.
Let them come home soon.
Thank you Father.
Author Unknown

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