Wednesday, September 17, 1997 - Down the home stretch

Got as far as scene 63 (Carol's Night Vision) with the rough dub. I think it would be best to leave scene 62 (Overlook) intact and add the poem complete with B roll footage to the end of this. That would be a more natural progression and would give time for the sun to go down. I'll call this sequence 63A - Two Bodies, and will add it to the B roll VHS tape along with Falling in Love, Michael's Dream, and the Doppler Shift thing.

I also need to come up with Mary's Dream, which begins scene 58, although I think I have something that's very fitting. It would be nice to have a motif of flowers, since it would echo Mary's poem in scene 60. The dream is nice in that it's a good segue from 57 to 58, and comes literally From Out Of The Blue - that's a plug - so the audience isn't aware it's Mary's Dream until she states that she's been dreaming, though she can't remember what it was about, though she refers to it, without realizing it, in Scene 60.

Can't believe I'm almost to the last scene. There's a lot more to do, but still it's a milestone. Friday or Saturday, or maybe even Thursday, I'll finish scenes 65 and 67. (Scene 66 - The Church - has been cut.) I should actually finish this by Friday, leaving me Saturday to review the tape, start recording Time Code numbers, and work on the B Roll sequences.

I have to start that "Special Thanks" list.

How can I sleep?


Bene est mihi quia tibi est bene.

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From Out Of The Blue

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