Wednesday, October 08, 1997 - Audio

Sat down and sorted out the audio situation. It didn't take as much time as I thought it would. Just needed to stare at it a tad to figure out how to organize it best.

Most of the wild track is already transferred to BCSP, thanks to Karen's foresight. At the time she proposed transferring wild track over MOS takes on the BETA I was thinking "Sure, whatever". It pays to work with people that know what they're doing (especially when you don't)!

So I'll make a computer record of the wild track already transferred to BETA, their descriptions and Time Code. Meanwhile, the following still needs transferring:

Wild Tracks 31-35 from DAT #6
Wild Tracks 36-51 from DAT #7
Wild Tracks 52-54 from DAT #8
Assorted Wild Track from DATs 9-11 (recorded through the years)

I'll make a record of this and put it on a link titled sound. This will actually point to something when I have it set up, probably tomorrow evening, 10/09.

I'll put a record there of what needs to be and what already has been transferred, using the following format:



WT = Wild Track
VT# = BETA Video Tape # (DAT # for takes not yet transferred to BETA)
TCI = Time Code In (DAT Absolute time for takes not yet transferred)
TCO = Time Code Out (DAT Absolute time for takes not yet transferred)

Sounds like a plan, Stan. -George

Amor et felicitas...

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