so the title is a tad bit leading, but it is accurate. Now that you have that webpage all
done and ready to go, the question is, what do I do now? That is easy to answer. Just send
it to your favorite free webpage server. The following is a list of some of the more
popular free homepage site providers.
Now this is
just a list of some of the providers that are out there. There are several other providers
that will provide disk space and webpages for various non-profit organizations and
students. For a complete listing of free web page providers, visit Yahoo. The direct link
would be listed here, but Yahoo is constantly updating. The ones listed here are just the
most popular ones out there. Don't hesitate to visit each one to read what they are all
about before joining them. If a recommendation of just one in particular had to be made,
then Geocities would win hands down. They have the best free homepage service on the net.
Along with a free homepage you get an email address! They even have a direct upload
function now in addition to a ftp
server. [Some Advice][Basic Page][Tags][Etiquette][Arrangement][Get It On] |