To get news out faster, we need to utilize the e-mail list
Announcement: To get news out faster, we need to utilize the e-mail list. Please message to if you have an e-mail address, or if your e-mail address has changed in the past 30 days or before.
We are a screenwriter's group centered around the North Carolina State University campus in Raleigh. The group is open to anyone with an interest in screenwriting.
We have no roll, no dues, and only one by-law: Everybody in the group is friends. This means: We are honest with each other in our comments; we don't discuss each others work outside the group without permission; and we don't rip off each other's ideas. We do ask that members contribute stamps occasionally to get the newsletter out.
We meet every other Monday, more-or-less, depending on the University schedule. Our meetings are held in the lounge of the Caldwell Building on the NCSU campus. Caldwell is on Hillsborough Street, across from Bruegger's Bagels. Enter through Tompkins Hall or Winston Hall.
The group has a mailing list for a newsletter which goes out approximately every month, and reaches all over North and South Carolina to New York, Philadelphia, Virginia, Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, Arizona, and California (yes, that means we have developed some professional contacts in the industry, including Wilmington and Hollywood - and they are well placed).