This ekele holds all the songs files possible of dAnIeL's sensational vocals! And it includes songs from his albums, MTVs, covers and interviews that dAnIeL has done! Some may take time to download but i guess it would be worth the time. So EnJoY!!
*NoTe: LIVE MTV means dAnIeL sang the song live as in performance. The MTV and the LIVE MTV differs in content.* |
ALbuMs | SpeCiaLs | InTeRvIeWs
When dAnIeL just arrived SinGaPoRe - 27TH ApriL'98 | dOwNlOaD |
dAnIeL on 88.3fM in SiNgapOrE'97 -i | dOwNlOaD |
dAnIeL on 88.3fM in SiNgapOrE'97 -ii | dOwNlOaD |
HoMe ekele | PrOfiLe ekele | AlbUms ekele | SonGs ekele | FilMs ekele |
AwArDs ekele | NeWs ekele | SpeCiaL ekele | GaLLeRY ekele | LiNks ekele |