Gallery ekele

WhoaLA!!! PicTuRES and PicTuREs of dAnIeL in this ekele!!! This Gallery holds some of my Fav PiCs of dAnIeL out of my collections. Just drool over the GORGEOUS PicS and enjoy!! Click on the thumbnails to view bigger and clearer pictures.


*NoTe:Do NOT Take any of the GraPhiCs, BackGrounD and PiCtURes WithOuT My PerMisSiOn.*

dAnIeL's VaLe ©1998

HoMe ekele PrOfiLe ekele AlbUms ekele SonGs ekele FilMs ekele
AwArDs ekele NeWs ekele SpeCiaL ekele GaLLeRY ekele LiNks ekele