UR mY OnlY LuRvE
Released in 1996, this album is a big Fav! It contains 3 theme songs for "NiTe JoUrNeY" and "bEsT oF tHe BeSt". In case you didn't know, both shows starred dAnIeL. This album contains alternative and rock music, new areas which dAnIeL dabbed in! Good enough to nab an award of "Best Rock Music" for "GuiTar"!

陳 曉 東
UR mY OnlY LuRvE (粵)
結 他
不 一 樣 的 眼 睛
車 尾 廂
天 生 一 對
今 天 開 始
愛 你 ( 躲 你)
UR mY OnlY LuRvE
愛 是 無 絕 對
傲 氣 比 天 高

HoMe ekele PrOfiLe ekele AlbUms ekele SonGs ekele FilMs ekele
AwArDs ekele NeWs ekele SpeCiaL ekele GaLLeRY ekele LiNks ekele