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Fan Community
Mailing Lists
Mailing List Terminology

Sentinel Fan Fiction
Fan Fiction
The Sentinel Virtual Seasons
Fanfic Mailing Lists
Fanfic Terminology
Writing and Posting Fan Fiction

This Sentinel page created by Robyn.

Welcome to The Sentinel Fandom - a Webpage for New SentinelFans

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Mailing Lists

A mailing list is a method of sharing comments and questions with other people who have the same interests. By "subscribing" to a mailing list you receive any posts (comments) via email made by other people to the list and are allowed to post comments of your own if you wish. Each list has its own rules on what is and isn't allowed; you are informed of the rules when you join. Quite a few mailing lists have been created to discuss The Sentinel, and lively discussions ensue. Also a great way to meet other fans. Here are the links to follow if you're interested in joining.

Select Mailing List Information

Senfic is the oldest mailing list for Sentinel general fan fiction. It allows posting of gen TS stories and fanfic-related discussion. To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change mailing list status, go to the Senfic website and follow the directions. Address any questions or problems to

Cascade Times: Friendly gen discussion and fan fiction list, relaxed, off-topic posts are allowed. NC-17 and slash not allowed. Flaming not tolerated. Check out the Cascade Times Webpage or their Yahoo!Groups page for more information on what this list is about and to subscribe. Regular, digest, and no email options are available (the posts are archived at Yahoo!Groups).

Sentinel Angst List: Discussion and fiction list for The Sentinel. Must be age 17 to join; requires writing or artistic dues. No slash fic, but mild slash discussion allowed. Check out their home page and Yahoo!Groups page to subscribe.

For other mailing list info, do a search for "sentinel" at Yahoo!Groups.

Mailing List Terminology

cross-posting - posting the same message to more than one list. Generally discouraged and not good netiquette.
digest - option of receiving posts grouped into documents called digests. Advantage is your email box doesn't get filled with so many little messages; quicker to download. Disadvantage is you may get the posts later, because the list waits for a number of messages to accumulate before sending out a digest.
drooling - making admiring comments about a character's physical attributes. Not encouraged on some lists.
listmom - person in charge of a mailing list
lurker - someone who belongs to a list and reads other people's posts but chooses not to post comments themselves. "de-lurking" refers to posting after you have lurked (for a long time)
off topic (OT) - a post about a subject not typical of things discussed on a list. Tolerance for OT posts depends on the list.
spoiler - reveals details about an episode. Anyone who makes a post containing a spoiler must include sufficient spoiler space at the top of the spoiling details to warn readers who haven't seen the episode yet, something like this:

subscribe - to join a mailing list; get the ability to receive messages from and post to the mailing list

Sentinel Acronyms -- Mailing lists have their own acronyms (for example, BOTW = Babe of the Week). A list of the common ones used on the Sentinel lists is on this page.


Yet another way of sharing comments about The Sentinel with other fans. - Newsgroup for The Sentinel. ATS home page.
Google Groups: The Sentinel -- alternate way to get to newsgroup if your internet provider doesn't get directly


Give it a try -- real time discussions with other fans are lots of fun! Many Sentinel mailing lists (such as Yahoo!Groups lists) have member chat rooms which do not require special software, or they use AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) to organize chats.

Acronyms commonly used by Sentinel fans, especially on the mailing lists.

AG - Anna Galvin, actor who plays Megan Conner
ATS -, The Sentinel newsgroup
AU - alternate universe, a fan fiction term used for a story which doesn't fit with The Sentinel storyline as seen on TV (i.e., psychic link)
BAY - Bruce A. Young, actor who plays Simon Banks
BMB - Blind Man's Bluff, a 2nd season episode
BOTW - Babe of the week (for some odd reason, often red-headed)
CL - Cascade Library, an archive for The Sentinel fanfic
DB - Danny Bilson, one of the producers of The Sentinel
DEOBS - Dead End on Blank Street, 4th season film noir episode
DV - Dean Valentine, nefarious President of UPN when The Sentinel was cancelled
FPS - Four Point Shot, a 4th season episode
<g> - grin    <bg> - big grin    <beg> - big evil grin     <vbeg> - very big evil grin
GM - Garett Maggart, actor who plays Blair Sandburg
GP - Guide Posts, an archive for The Sentinel fanfic
HBK - His Brother's Keeper, a 2nd season episode
HNE - Hear No Evil, a 2nd season episode
IMHO - in my humble opinion
IRC - Internet Relay Chat
IM - Instant Messenger (such as AOL)
LoC - Letter of Comment -- feedback on a fanfic story
LOL - Laughing out loud
NG - the newsgroup (
NFWTG - Nobody Fools with the Guide. Okay, this is the G version of the second word.
obsenfic - a post on Senfic which is a short bit of a story used to make up for an information-seeking or information-giving post; ("ob" stands for obligatory)
OT - off topic, used in subject header when posting a comment that is not about the current discussion on a mailing list
OWW - One West Waikiki, a short-lived series which Richard Burgi starred in before he came to The Sentinel
PDM - Paul DeMeo, one of the producers of The Sentinel
PF - Pet Fly, company that films The Sentinel
RB - Richard Burgi, actor who plays Jim Ellison
ROTFL - Rolling on the floor laughing
S2.1, S2.2 - Sentinel Too parts 1 and 2, 3rd season cliff hanger and 4th season opener, respectively
SPCBS - Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Blair Sandburg
TPTB - The Powers That Be, whoever is in charge of a TV show, i.e. UPN, Paramount, Pet Fly
TRD - The Real Deal, 4th season episode
TS - The Sentinel
TSbyBS - The Sentinel by Blair Sandburg, 4th season finale
YKYHBWTMSW - You know you have been watching too much Sentinel when