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Tapes, Autographs, Merchandise
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TS on the Web
General Info Sites
Web Ring and Link Lists
Episode Guides
Episode Transcripts
Tips for Sentinel-izing Your Webpage
Best places to find web pictures

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Mailing List Terminology

Sentinel Fan Fiction
Fan Fiction
The Sentinel Virtual Seasons
Fanfic Mailing Lists
Fanfic Terminology
Writing and Posting Fan Fiction

This Sentinel page created by Robyn.

Welcome to The Sentinel Fandom - a Webpage for New Sentinel Fans

Explore The Sentinel on the Web

To Begin, Try These General Information Sites

Cascade Underground - the first and still the one of the best The Sentinel sites around.
Nightowl's Nest - excellent resource and reference page forr The Sentinel.

Sentinel Web Ring and Link Lists - explore the TS internet world

The number of web pages devoted to The Sentinel is constantly growing. Where's a new fan to start? How about...

Becky's Sentinel Page - her link list is updated most often, most current list of gen Sentinel pages, divided into general fan pages and fan fiction pages, plus other assorted miscellaneous pages.
Nightowl's Nest - has a comprehensive link list grouped by single or multiple fandom sites and fan fiction sites, but has not been updated in over a year.
The Sentinel Webring home page - contains over 70 sites with descriptions; used to contain more but lost sites when Yahoo! ate Webring (the ring is now hosted by Ringsurf).

Episode Guides

The Sentinel: A Complete Episode Guide and Information Page - compiled by Elizabeth
Steffan's Sentinel Page - brief non-spoiler descriptions of all Sentinel episodes
SOS has episode guides for all Sentinel episodes, under "episode guide".

Episode Transcripts

You can now read transcripts of every single Sentinel episode based on the closed captioned text (edited for accuracy directly from the episode itself) with added scene descriptions, transcribed by Becky and located at Becky's Transcripts for The Sentinel. An incredible resource for old and new fans, particularly if you haven't seen all the episodes or want to get an exact quote.

Tips for Sentinel-izing Your Webpage

1. First, you gotta have a page or know how to create one. There are many sources on the internet specifically for learning how to create a webpage. A search using an internet search engine, such as Google or Yahoo!, will yield hundreds of help pages. You can either learn HTML code (see NCSA's A Beginner's Guide to HTML), the computer language for webpages (the purist method, not for most novices); or you can use a user-friendly editor which encodes your ideas into HTML. There are free downloadable programs for this, such as the editor that comes with Netscape Communicator (this page was created with Netscape Gold). You can also invest in a store-bought editor, such as DreamWeaver, Microsoft FrontPage, or HoTMetaL. Typically, internet service providers or page providers (for example, GeoCities) have help sections for creating your own webpage. Try starting there first.

2. Don't forget to put a disclaimer on your page saying that The Sentinel is owned by Paramount and Pet Fly and no copyright infringement is intended, or something of the sort. Look at other TS pages for examples.

3. Put an SOS Banner on your page (the SOS site gives instructions on how to do this).

4. Join The Sentinel Web Ring for more exposure.

5. Register your page with search engines or directories (such as Alta Vista or Yahoo!) to get more exposure. If you know how to include "key words" (meta tags) within your page, do so and use words associated with The Sentinel (i.e., Sentinel, the actors' and characters' names, fanfic if included on your page, etc.) so that your page is picked up by the search engines.

6. If you have a TS fan fiction page, the quickest way to get visitors is to send your story announcements to the Cascade Library (which gets hundreds of hits daily) for posting. You might want to submit your page to a general fan fiction directory or webring such as the Fanfiction Directory or The Fan Fiction Webring for additional exposure.

7. Post a message on a TS mailing list like Senfic, Cascade Times, or Sentinel Angst announcing your new page.

8. You can also send your site URL to someone with a large, frequently visited and up-to-date link list like Becky's Sentinel Links and ask politely for your site to be added.

9. Best places to find Sentinel pictures (promo shots and screen grabs) on the web:
Becky's Sentinel Gallery -- lots of promo shots and screen grabs
> Cascade Underground - one of the biggest collections of screen grabs; takes a long time to browse
Gallery of Smarm -- smarmy screen grabs
Starfox's Mansion -- nice promo shots (similar to Becky's) and *gorgeous* high-quality screen grabs (my personal favorite, great for graphics since they were captured in Europe on PAL)
Whispers of the Heart -- nice screen grabs, very graphics-intensiive site.

If you're looking for Sentinel video and sounds, check out Steffi's Visions and Sounds site, then look at Becky's Sentinel Links for other pages with sounds and vids.

10. Be proud! You've just made an important contribution to The Sentinel fandom!!!