I look into your eyes

And I see a heart of gold
There I see no lies
That's what my heart has told

I feel that you're the one
My one and only love
I hope your heart I've won
Fly to me precious white dove.


Alone but not alone, my love

In a distant land far beyond the sea
Wish I could fly to her like a dove
Or that she could fly to me.

Not a moment passes that I don't think of her
Cupid's arrow struck my heart
Contented, like a kitten I purr
For me, it's love from the very start.

Oh to be comforted in her arms
To be held safe and close
But they won't reach this far to keep me warm
Yet that is what I need the most

I pray my lady will hear my plea
To love me and cherish me for all time
My heart then truly filled with glee
A special lady, I'm always hers and she mine.


Through the forest of green and westward there walked

A young maiden fair, by the name of Princess Merced
As she walked, she met no one for love that talked
She prayed to God that true love upon her be said

Perchance, the forest being so large and great

There walked eastward towards the rising sun
A young man lost for love seeking his soul mate
The emptiness and loneliness did make him shun

A dense gray fog crept across the forest lawn
Two strangers wandered about not knowing their fate
Romantic love about to blossom like dawn
Without warning, to both, the Lord did spake.

"You have journeyed far and wide
Been without love and both survived
And now by my power, I turn the tide
I bring you together, that you both be alive."


Listen children to a story that was written long ago

'Bout a kingdom on a mountain and the valley folk below
On the mountain was a treasure buried deep beneath a stone
And the valley people swore they'd have it for their very own


Go ahead and hate your neighbour, go ahead and cheat a friend,
Do it in the name of heaven, you can justify it in the end
There won't be any trumpets blowin' on the judgement day
On the bloody morning after, ONE TIN SOLDIER rides away

So the people of the valley sent a message up the hill
Asking for the buried treasure tons of gold for which they'd kill.
Came an answer from the kingdom, "With our brother we will share
All the secrets of our mountain, all the riches buried there."


Now the valley cried with anger mount your horses draw your sword
And they killed the mountain people so they won their just reward
Now they stood beside the treasure on the mountain, dark and red
Turned the stone and looked beneath it "Peace on earth" was all it said


by Dennis Lambert & Brian Potter


1 cup of consideration

1 cup of courtesy
2 cupfuls of flattery carefully concealed
2 cupfuls milk of human kindness
1 gallon faith in God and each other
2 cupfuls praise
1 very small pinch of in-laws
1 reasonable budget

A generous dash of co-operation

3 teaspoons of pure extract of "I am sorry"
1 cup of contentment
1 cup each of confidence and encouragement
2 children at least
1 large or several small hobbies
1 cup of blindness to other's faults
stir liberally with the spoon of sacrifice

Flavour with frequent portions of recreation and happy memories. Continue stirring and remove any specks of jealousy, temper or criticism. Sweeten well with generous portions of love and keep warm with a steady flame of devotion. Never serve with a cold shoulder or hot tongue.


The world so vast and tamed

Full of natural resources prized by man
Yet we are so foolish and lame
In our failure to recognize the true gold in the pan

A resource so precious and sweet
Rarely treated as a resource at all
The pitter patter of tiny feet
Slowly growing big and tall

Full of curiosity is a child's mind
Our responsibility to develop and nourish
How can our sight be so blind
As to hinder a child's ability to flourish?

Our society deprives them of the best
Makes criminals out of so many
Whatever happens to the rest?
Exploited like so much material and money.

This is Robyn and Jean-Luc. Robyn is about 12 years old here and Jean-Luc is 3. It is possible that Jean-Luc, Dad and Robyn may never see each other again. They were seperated at the time of this photograph (June 1998) through the circumstances of divorce. The mother has denied all access in spite of court orders allowing visitations. This matter is all in God's hands. Click on the following link for the full story. Make sure you're sitting when you read this story.

Save2kids web site.

This is DeForrest Christian Zdenek. Here he is about 2 months old. He was born on Nov. 26, 1999 and he is a sweet, wonderful son.

This is Paul. Here he is four years old and he is my step-son. He is quite a character with a very expressive face. Definitely a mommy's boy.


I want to look behind the mirror of your eyes

And see the secret world
The world your words disguise
The birthplace of your sighs

I want to know the place of all your silent fears
And when you speak of them
The ones that no one hears
I want to taste your tears

I really want to know you
I really want to know you
I really want to know you
I really want to know you

I want to share the dreams you never shared before
To stand inside your soul
To unlock every door
And I believe . . . even more

Read the word of God

D.J. Poogie Bear's PHOTO PAGE. Journey the world without leaving home. All photos taken by D.J. Poogie Bear.

D.J. Poogie Bear's second PHOTO PAGE. Continue to journey the world without leaving home. All photos taken by D.J. Poogie Bear. Some have even won prizes.

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