AVERAGE Function | Formula Bar |
Cell | Increase Decimal |
Cell Reference | Operator |
Columns | Percent Style |
Currency Style | Rows |
Decrease Decimal | SUM Function |
Formula | |
A function to get the average for specified numbers. Micrsoft Excel's formula for this function is " =average(A2,B3) ". A2 and B3 can be substituted for the cells you would like averaged out.
A single box for text within a spreadsheet. Used mainly to enter text, numerical value, or a formula.
A reference to a cell or group of cells by indicating it's cordinates. Usually, columns are marked by letters, and rows are marked by numbers. For example, if you wanted to refer to the cell in column C and in row 32, you would say C32.
A column is a vertical row of cells. Spreadsheet columns are usually identified by letters.
The option to change a number into dollar amount, which uses dollars and cents.
The option to decrease the amount of places after the decimal.
A formula is an expression that defines how one cell relates to other cells. For example, you might define cell C5 (column C, row 5) with the formula. An example of a formula is the AVERAGE function and SUM function.
A text bar which appears above the spreadsheet document. If you click on a cell, the contents of that cell would be displayed there. You can then edit and add to the cells from this area.
The option to increase the amount of places after the decimal.
A symbol that represents a specific action. For example, a plus sign (+) is an operator that represents addition. The basic mathematic operators are + addition, - subtraction,* multiplication,/ division.
The option to change a number into a percentage.
A row is a horizontal collection of cells. Spreadsheet rows are usually identified by numbers.
A function used to get the sum of all the specified numbers. Micrsoft Excel's formula for this function is " =sum(A2,B3) ". A2 and B3 can be substituted for the cells you would like added up.