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"It kinda feels like I'm living on a page of National Geographic."
"There's no place like home."
"Guy friends, Pez, toilet paper, women."
"You gotta wipe your ass."
"Her bed doesn't have a weiner in it."
"Tell Colin to wear his leopard G."
"I swim like a fish."
"Did you have to show your peter? They made you get naked." (Amaya to Colin)
"I'm all for being a big star. I just don't think it's in the near future for me."
"8:00 P.M., my pants are off and 7:30,...the doors open at 7:30. You want the pants to come down, you have to wait till 8:00.:"
"You need to get your fucking weiner near a girl so you can stop trying to live vicariously through my fucking balls."
"I need to make a damned decision is what I need to do."
"The train's coming and I'm not pulling myself off the tracks. And the train right now is a little lump in my bed named Amaya."
"We can't even get this group to unanimously go to work."
"Okay, funniest comment you said the entire time? 'You broke one of our glasses. What if we have company?' I was just like... 'Ruthie, we could have company.'"
"If nobody wants to do it, I'll tell her."
"I can't eat this many Cheez-its, I'll die."
"I think you're underestimating how much I eat."
"And who wants traveler's diarrhea, really? Not me."
"My butt cheeks are sweating. Being on the elephant is more work than it is fun."
"Elephants? We could have lost those and went with the Jeeps."
"Slow up. Don't lick his butt. Get some of that later."
"Are you going to make this a Drama Queen event?"
"You can be driving down the street and a cow can be causing
"What's going on cows? How's it going?"
"A.K.A. my weiner was in somebody."

"We have a breaker, breaker, one-nine. We got some mopeds on the grass. Requesting back-up."
"They (T-shirts) look better than Teck."
"Your best friend's been there. Why would you do that?"
"You (Amaya) click with anybody with a twig and berries."
"I just want to say I think you are a beautiful and caring person. And I'm always going to cherish the time we spent together."
"Sorry, folks, no sex between Matt and Kaia and that is also
something I would never want to see...or walk in on."
"I'd say the first time I met Teck, I shook his hand and didn't even realilze his testicles were hanging out."
" penis, Ruthie, nice boobs."
"I once ate an entire corn-on-the-cob in the confessional just to get away from Amaya."
"Got rice?"
"He's wearing all white, ooh!"
"Hanson is naked upstairs."
"How likely is it my balls are going to get the size of a truck?"
"Justin, do you want me to take care of your crap?"
"Can we say ass on this video?"


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