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Colin Speaks on Love

The following are excerpts from Teen Love: On Relationships Journal.

Loving Yourself

Love yourself enough to treat yourself right. Your friends, family, and boyfriend or girlfriend will take your lead and treat you the way they see you treating yourself.

If you aren't being treated with love and respect, then walk away. I have seen so many people that I care about get caught up in a bad relationship because they are insecure and don't believe they deserve better. YOU DESERVE BETTER...PERIOD.

I have also seen my friends act on their insecurities by doing anything they could to please their boyfriend or girlfriend. (You know, when a person talks and always referes to what his or her girlfriend/boyfriend wants and you never hear that person mention his or her own needs?) I think it is a big mistake to believe that love means putting someone else's needs and happiness before your own. It is great to care, but not so much that by doing so you compromise your own needs.

I have a very close friend who had a very controlling boyfriend. She was always walking on eggshells, petrified of doing something that would make him angry. He used his "love" as a means of control, always threatening to take it away if she didn't behave according to his desires. It was so sad and so hard for me to watch someone I cared about going through this. It was like she was disappearing a little every day and by the end of the school year she didn't even know who she was, let alone what she needed.

She did eventually end the relationship and it was horribly painful for her to look back and see what she had compromised and what she had missed by allowing herself to be controlled by this guy. Her message to you right now would be: If you find yourself in a relationhip with someone who tires to control you and make you feel like you are worthless without him or her, get out now. That person will not change. It will not get better if you just ________________ (fill in the blank). That's what you get caught up in thinking. If I treat him better then he won't be so angry with me all the time. Or, he just loves me so much that he can't handle it when I hang out with my girlfriends. THAT IS NOT LOVE!!!!!

Remember that you are are great just the way you are and you deserve to be treated with love and resepct. No matter what. No matter what.

Falling in Love


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