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Colin Speaks on Love

Starting Over

Starting over means the possibility of love is once again in the air. It gives you a chance to meet someone new; a chance to develop a crush; a chance to get that tingly feeling that runs through your body when you kiss someone that you like for the first time; a chance to get nervous before the first phone call, the first date or the first kiss; a chance to look in the person's direction and wonder if he or she is looking in yours; a chance to exchange glances, smiles, names or phone numbers; a chance to notice his or her smell or touch. But, most of all, starting over gives you a chance to get back in the game! Oh yeah, the chase is on!

Whatever you do, don't close your heart to others. I've done this for most of my life and am just now learing how to let people in. Ironically, in trying to keep myself away from getting hurt, I ended up depriving myself of things that I really needed and wanted. Open your heart!


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