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Colin Speaks on the Real World

Colin: Of course, she wan't okay with that. Personally, I don't understand how that can happen. If one person says we can't be anything more than friends, then that's how it goes. She just wouldn't have it. I got mad. I told her, "At this point in our lives, it's not easy to be friends with you. Your negativity and fluctuating moods are too much."

Of course, when we seperated, I missed Amaya and the romantic times we spent together. I missed sleeping with her at night, holding her, having her be happy. Matt suggested that our relationship was purely a physical thing. It had nothing to do with anything physical. Well, not nothing, but the fact was, I cared for her. I liked spending time with her. I liked going out with Amaya. I loved being around her. She was a great person when we were alone.

So, the whole thing was hard. But I had to remove myself from the situation. Amaya and I, we're just not right for each other. She's a beautiful person, though.

From the Control Room

Matt Kunitz, Supervising Producer: Colin and Amaya, I never would have guessed it would happen, but I was thrilled. Road Rules always had relationships. We never do. Road Rules is more like summer camp--every day there's a group bonding experience; whereas on The Real World, it's more "live your lives and see what happens." It's easier to splinter off.

I'd say we as a production were there from the beginning of the relationship to the end--and unfortunately it was a nasty end. Colin and Amaya were incredibly cooperative with production. Then again, they had this bad habit of calling to get demiked, then getting into bed and talking for hours. We were missing all of that. Of course, I didn't want to hide a mike in their bed. That's beyond the call. So, what we did was put it out in the open, right above the bed. We wanted them to see it. Of course, Amaya batphoned immediately to tell us how sick we were. I said, "Listen, we don't want to hear you having sex, but we don't want to miss all these important conversations either." It was a difficult quandry.

Mary-Ellis Bunim, Creator: All season I looked forward to the daily highlights reel that I would be sent from Hawaii to keep us up-to-date. These were an hour or so of great moments from the day before. Colin and Amaya dominated those reels--their relationship was a total roller coaster of emotion, charming and funny and sometimes disturbing. I wish I could release the uncut version!

Jon Murray, Creator: I will be eternally grateful to Colin and Amaya for giving us our first on-camera romance between two Real World cast members. Why it took eight seasons to get such a romance, I'll never know.




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