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The following are episode summaries for the Real World Hawaii as seen on

Episode Seven
Colin's incessant teasing is starting to get a little old for Amaya. "Sometimes I just want to smack him," she says.

When Teck brings home a scantily dressed woman back to the house, eyebrows and questions are raised. "Is that a prostitute?" Amaya bodly asks. Matt snickers in disbelief.

Let's talk "love", Colin admits he's ready for it but fears he'll never have it. While Teck doesn't think he'll ever get tied down.

Teck's soft side comes out when he meets Andrea, a strong charismatic woman from California. Knowing his visiting father would wholeheartedly approve, Teck makes sure to introduce them.

Colin is at a loss for words when Amaya asks him to be nicer to her. He agrees to do so, but when Amaya wants him to show his sweet side to the others, Colin admits he can't open up to just anyone.

Andrea kisses Teck goodbye as she heads back to the mainland. Could Andrea be the one to tame Teck's wild side?

Sitting alone on the seawall, Colin realizes he pushes people away to avoid getting hurt. Admitting he has done the same with Amaya, he decides to make a change.

Episode Eight
When Local Motion comedian Auggie T. performs his act, Justin responds with disgust. Matt, on the other hand, thought the gay jokes were hilarious.

While visiting KCCN to promote Local Motion, Matt and the DJ banter on air about woman. Justin is embarrassed to be there.

Matt confronts Justin regarding his obvious disapproval at the radio station. He accuses Justin of being heterophobic, prompting Justin to storm off.

Kaia and Justin's new 7-day fast gets off to a shaky start.

Amays is in tears after Justin kicks her out of their room. He's tired of Amaya and Colin "rocking the bunk" every other night.

Colin feels that Justin's prejudice against the heterosexual males in the house is the real problem.

Justin opens up and reveals his past to Kaia. He was accused of turning his first boyfriend gay at age 16, and was almost arrested.

Justin proposes a new plan for future Local Motion comedians. Teck disagrees, but the group ultimately sides with Justin.



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