Top Films For The Autumn/Winter - 1997

Here is a list of the films that i think will be the biggest, best or most successful films of this summer. However, as you will know if you have read my predictions for the last year, i'm not always right. This is partly because the film industry is such a fickle place, and so sometimes they say a film is coming out and then it doesn't for months, even years. It is also due to the fact that i haven't seen the films, and so i don't know how good they are going to be. Therefore, sometimes i'm wrong! A good example of this would be my prediction that Batman and Robin would be the biggest film of Summer 1997. Whoops!

I compiled this list using various sources, but the words are all mine! Please note that the release dates are for the U.K.

(All the links in the following list will either take you to another page on that person/subject, or display a lovely picture for you to enjoy! If you would like to see my old "Top Ten Films For Summer 1997" list, or my original "Top Ten Films of the year" then click here!

  1. Contact:
    If you can't wait for the X-Files movie to come out, then this should do fine as a replacement. Jodie Foster and the rising star Matthew McConaughey are amongst the cast in this story of mankind's first official contact with Alien Life. Directed by Robert Zemeckis (Forrest Gump) and adapted from Carl Sagan's award winning novel, this is a more serious film than the rest of the Alien related movies that seem to be the "thing" of the moment. Has got brilliant reviews in America and promises to be mentally as well as visually exhillarating. Released September 26th.

  2. Hercules:
    The latest Disney animated film, this stars the voices of Danny DeVito and James Woods. Demi-God Hercules (the son of the Greek God, Zeus) has to prove himself a hero before he is allowed to join the rest of the Gods on Mount Olympus. But he has plenty of oppurtunities as the world is threatened by the evil Hades (Woods), who steals the show with all the best one-liners. Released on October 10th.

  3. A Life Less Ordinary:
    The latest film from the team that bought you Shallow Grave and Trainspotting, this is a bit of a change from those last two. Starring Ewan McGregor and Cameron Diaz, this is a love story which is a little different than most that have come before. Ewan plays a cleaner in a large office building run by Ian Holm, who plays Diaz's father. When Ewan is fired and replaced by a robot and then dumped by his girlfriend on the same day, he decides to take out his frustration on his ex-boss. However, things don't go exactly to plan, and he ends up kidnapping Diaz in order to escape a severe beating at the hands of the security guards. The only problem is he hasn't got a clue what to do. Fortunately, help is at hand. Diaz hates her Dad and is quite willing to help Ewan get the money, and there are also two angels who are trying everything to get the two of them to fall in love (mainly shooting at them!) I've actually seen this film already, so i can tell you for definite that it is very funny , and all the actors and actresses involved are brilliant. Released October 24th.

  4. Starship Troopers:
    Bit of a corny name, but this big-budget space film teams Paul Verhoeven with many of the people who worked with him on the successful Robocop movie. The plot revolves around the fact that in the future, in order to gain citizenship, you have to complete obligatory military training. The training is very harsh, but our hero Johnny Rico makes it through alive and is assigned to be a Starship Pilot in the Mobile Infantry. All well and good, you might think, but then the unthinkable happens!! Yes, that's right, the Earth is attacked by aliens and he has to stop them! Original? No! Cheesy? Yes! But Spectacular? Apparently so. Released on November 28th.

  5. Titanic:
    One i'm certainly looking forward to! This is the new, extremely high budget film by James Cameron (Terminator 2, Aliens etc.) which is about the fateful voyage of the "unsinkable" ship in 1912. The film stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet as two young passengers who meet in these rather extreme circumstances, and who defy all those around them by falling in love. Although these two characters are fictitous, the rest of the film sticks very closely to what actually happened, including keeping all the same names of the crew and passengers. I've seen the trailer and it looks absolutely amazing (as you may know, Cameron built a full size replica of the ship for the film). Unfortunatley the film's release date has been delayed due to finacial problems and the fact that the finished product was over 3 hours long, too long for the film company's liking. Will be released sometime in December.

So those are my top tips for this coming Autumn/Winter. Keep your eyes peeled!

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