Wh3th3r y0u kn0w m3 as
Warblad3(G3ociti3s) Phathul, Pat0l(BBS) Ach3l(IRC), I'll b3t
y0u'll b3 pl3as3d t0 kn0w th@t finally I hav3 mY oWn hom3pag3. If y0u'v3
n3v3r m3t m3 in p3rs0n b3f0r3, I b3li3v3 mY w3b pag3s can't h3lp you mUch
k0z I duNn0 h0w t0 describe it. S0 this h0mepag3 is d3dicat3d t0 alL mY
fri3nds at G3o's, IRC, BBSian N 3tc..! ThanX!!
W3Lcom3 ! YoU hav3 succ3sfullY 3nt3r
[ Forbidden Knowledge is the basic currency of the digital underground ]
:Bruce Sterling
(The Hacker Crackdown)
Graphik D3sign and Archw0k
C0pyright 1996 Ph@thul(c) Magg0ts Graphik