Well, as a small time hobby of mine, I like to create cocktails to drink. Here is a list of some of the most famous cocktails on this planet. Choose the base drink the cocktail is based on, and from there you will see a list of drinks where you can see the recipes on how to make these cocktails!! Have fun making them, and if you have any other that can go to the list, mail me and I will include them to the list!!

So, a cocktail is not real if it is not presented in the correct way. The type of glass used is very important. Here are the glass types one should use to present the drinks. Also next to each cocktail recipe, you will see the respective glass image to tell you which cocktail goes in which glass!!
Cocktail GlassGobletOld FashionedHighballChampagne Flute

Brandy Based Cocktails

Gin Based Cocktails

Rum Based Cocktails

Vodka Based Cocktails

Whiskey Based Cocktails

Wine Based Cocktails



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