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Pixel Paint
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1. Logo to represent the topic  
2. Definition
    Pronunciation: 'pik-s&l, -"sel
    Function: noun
    Etymology: pix + element
    Date: 1969
        1 : any of the small discrete elements that together constitute an image (as on a television screen)
        2 : any of the detecting elements of a charge-coupled device used as an optical sensor
3. My Examples

    Basic Mouse Over 
            In Microsoft FrontPage, Click Insert>Components>Hover Button.  Then type whatever you would like to have written in the text box next to Button Text, which in my two examples would be Mouse Over and Numero Dos.  Then to change the effect of when the mouse is over the area, select an Effect.  In my first example I used glow and in my second example I used Color Average.  Also for a more custom button, change the Button Color and the Effect Color to your preference.

    Custom Mouse Over

            First you have to make an image using Paint Shop Pro 6, making the image 100X100.  Insert an image using the picture tube into the picture.  Save the image in your file.  Then click on Edit>Copy, and then Edit>Paste>As New Image.  Then with your new image, add a Deformation or Effect, by clicking on Image>Deformation or Image>Effect.  Save this image as something different than your original image.  Then create another hover button, but this time in the Hover Button screen, click on the Custom Button on the bottom left of the screen, and from the new screen that pops up, in the Custom Area, click on browse and put your original image there (the one with the picture tube only).  Then On Hover, click browse, and insert the image you made with the deformation or effect.   Click Ok and then Ok again, and your Custom Mouse Over is finished.

    Drop Shadow

        Create a new Image in Paint Shop Pro.  Then create a new Layer, and call it Text.  Using the Text Button, insert your text, in this case I used Drop Shadow.  In the upper right hand corner of the Text Entry, click on Floating instead of Vector.  Click on Ok.  Then click Image>Effects>Drop Shadow.  Edit Opacity, Blur, Vertical Offset, and Horizontal Offset to your preferences.



        Create a new Image in Paint Shop Pro 6.  Insert an Image using the Picture Tube.  Then click on the Freehand Selection Tool.  On the Tool Options Window, make sure the selection type is on freehand and underneath you will see the word Feather and below that will be a text box with the number 0.  Instead of the number 0, type in a number from 1 to 5, 5 making the biggest feather-edit.  Then go back to your image u pasted and with the Freehand Tool still selected, draw around your Picture Tube.  And then click Edit>Copy and again Edit>Paste>As New Image.  Your picture has now been feathered.



        Create a new  200 x 200 image on a white background.  Click on the selection tool, and under selection type click on circle with the feathering at 0.  On the image make a circle almost covering the whole inside of the image box.  Then click on the Flood Fill Tool, and change the Fill Style to Sunburst Gradient.  Right Click inside of the Circle.  Go to Selection>Modify>Contract.  And from here type in 20 as the number of pixels.
Then click on Image>Rotate.  Make sure Right is clicked and the number of degrees is 180. Repeat these two steps yet again.  Save the button.  To change the color of the button, click on Color>Colorize, changing the Hue and Saturation numbers to your preference.

    Hue Values 
        0 is red; 43 is yellow; 85 is green; 128 is cyan; 170 is blue; 213 is magenta;     255 is red
    Saturation Level
         0= Grey, 128=pure color, 255=max
  To reduce the size of your button, click on Image>Resize, and enter the desired size of your button.  Then enter a drop shadow text by using the technique explained above.

4. Skills for topic  
Selection Tool Text Copy Deformations Save As
Freehand Flood Fill Paste Paintbrush Edit>Undo
Clone Brush Eraser Feathering Save Colorize
Picture Tube Cut Effects Retouch Resize

5. Online Resources (hyperlinks) 
        Jasc® Paint Shop Pro
             Buy Paint Shop Pro
        Grafo Maniac
        Paint Shop Pro Resources
6. Online Tutorials (hyperlinks) 
        Official Paint Shop Pro Tutorials
        Paint Shop Pro Tips and Tutorials
7. Careers (List)
        Web Designer
        T-Shirt Making