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    Pronunciation: "te-li-k&-"myü-n&-'kA-sh&n
    Function: noun
    Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary
    Date: 1932
1 : communication at a distance (as by telephone)
    2 : a science that deals with telecommunication--       
         usually used in plural
Merriam-Webster On-Line Dictionary

2 Major ISPs (Internet Service Providers)

Number Of Hours Phone Numbers Dollars Per Month
Unlimited Search 21.95
Unlimited, Sign up for 1 Year Search 19.95
5 Hours Search 9.95, 2.95 for each additional minute
3 Hours Search 4.95, 2.50 for each additional minute

            Pricing Plan for AOL

Number Of Hours Phone Numbers Dollars Per Month
Unlimited Search 21.95, first month free
20 Hours Search 9.95, 1.50 for each additional minute

Between AOL and MSN, I would have to go with America Online.  I have had AOL for about a year and half or so, and I have had no problems with it.   I would also go with the unlimited plan because I use the internet a lot.
I used to have AT&T and I am sorry that we ever got that.  It used to take us about 2 hours to sign on, it was very bad. 

2 Free ISPs

Active Access Numbers Questionnaire Advertisements
Since Sept. 1, 1999 Search Yes Yes
E-Mail Web space Chatroom Cost
Yes- Web 20 MB No 100% Free

Active Access Numbers Questionnaire Advertisements
Since Oct. 1998 Search Yes, semi-annual Yes, JAVA
E-Mail Web Space Chatroom Cost
Yes Yes, from Homestead No 100% Free

I would pick NetZero as my free ISP.  They have a lot of phone numbers to pick from, and they only have a questionnaire semi-annually, so it would not be very annoying.

More Free Internet Service Providers

Web Browsers

Microsoft Internet Explorer Home

    System Requirements  

    Download MSIE 5.5

    Tour of Netscape 6

     Download Now

     Get The Netscape 6 CD

Web Hosting

     Free Web Hosting      
Web Hosting Storage Support FrontPage 2000 Terms Of Service More Space 
Angelfire 50 MB Yes Here No
Yahoo! GeoCities 10 MB Yes Here No
16 MB No Here No

I would have to go with the Geocities free web hosting, because that is what I am using, and I have found it to be very good with minimal problems.

Professional Web Hosting
Web Hoster Setup Fee Price Per Month Support FrontPage Features How To Order
None $15.95, $13.95 for yearly advance Yes Here Order Now
$50.00 $24.95 Yes Here Order Now
Verio $50.00 $24.95 Yes Here Order Now
Verio $50.00 $49.95 Yes Here Order Now
Verio $50.00 $99.95 Yes Here Order Now
None $6.95 Yes Here Order now
$20.00 $10 Yes Here Order Now
NetNation $19.95 $14.95 Yes Here Order Now
NetNation $50.00 $20.00 Yes Here Order Now
NetNation $50.00 $45.00 Yes Here Order Now

I would go with the Hostway professional web hosting, because it has a lot of features, for a small price.

Domain Name Registration


Domain Name Only (per year)
.com .net .tv .org
35$ $30 $50 $25

What You Get Price Specifics
3-Page Web Site & Matching E-Mail $149.50 Here
1-Page Web Site & Matching E-Mail $69.50 Here
1-Page Web Site $50.00 Here
Matching E-Mail & Domain Name $60.00 Here

Other Domain Registration
Domain Site Price for .com Purchase Other Prices
DomainDiscover $25 per year Here Here
Registrars.com $30 per year Here Here
$20 per year Here Here
www.register.com $35 per year   Here

I would have to go with HostSave as my domain registration because t is the cheapest.

Ranking Of Domain Registration

Telecommunication Data Speeds


Kilo, 1,000




Mega, 1,000,000, Million




Gigabits 1,000 Mega


Telecommunications Data Speeds-----Help

Line Type

(Download Speed)

(Upload Speed)

Phone, 56K


33.6 K


128 K

128 K


144 K-2.2 Mbps

90-640 Kbps


200 K-1.2 Mbps

100-200 Kbps

Satellite (2-way)

300-900 Kbps

50-150 Kbps


1.54 Mbps
24 Circuits x 64K@

1.54 Mbps
300 times faster then 56K


45 Mbps

45 Mbps


155 Mbps

155 Mbps


622 Mbps

622 Mbps


2.5 Gbps

2.5 Gbps


10 Gbps

10 Gbps

Bandwidth Chart

Telecommunications Skills
E-Mail Games Instant Messenger
Download Internet Search Upload
Fantasy Sports Phone Dialing Web Managing

   Internet Architecture Board
     The IAB exists to serve and help the IETF, attempting to strike a balance between action and reaction.
   Internet Engineering Task Force
        A large open international community of network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers concerned with the evolution of the Internet architecture and the smooth operation of the Internet.
Internet Research Task Force
        To promote research of importance to the evolution of the future Internet by creating focused, long-term and small Research Groups working on topics related to Internet protocols, applications, architecture and technology.
World Wide Web Consortium
        Develops interoperable technologies (specifications, guidelines, software, and tools) to lead the Web to its full potential as a forum for information, commerce, communication, and collective understanding.
Internet CORP. For Assigned Names & Numbers
        A technical coordination body for the Internet.

UUNET Map      
    North America Map 
    World Map
AT&T Backbone Map


    Yahoo! Sign-In and Registration Help
    Getting Started with FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
    Web Publishing Tutorials

Cell Phone Operators Web Managers Cable People
Internet Operators Internet Consultant Web Developer

Send comments to: spphat@yahoo.com

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