This is Cande, EYA's
accordion wizard. I think
Cande was born to play
accordion. I don't think
there's anything this guy
can't do, he can even
make the accordion sing.

more details on Cande
are on the way...

This is Noel, EYA's
bass player. He has
also won TEMA's
Bass Player of the
year award.

On the way... more
details about Noel.

Epi, is the Baddest Conga
player I have ever seen.
He's also not too bad on
the bajo sexto.

Que triste y sola me
encuentro yo... oops,
got carried away again.

Epi was not ready to
do an interview. We will
let you know everything
about him as soon as we
find out...

Juan, is EYA's keyboard
player. You can hear his
best work on the songs
that tug at those heart
strings. Yes, I mean
Luna Llena and Lagrimas
De Amor.

Juan is very shy, but
maybe I can get him to
brag about himself a little
bit... That is if your

Larry is the drummer
for Elida Y Avante.
When Elida shakes the
"Booty" you can be sure
that Larry is the one
keeping the beat...


Click on this picture to find
out more about Larry


Epi & Noel are never too busy to look good for
the camera



**Randy left the band last year, but was replaced by another
very talented musico, Eddie Gonzalez. More details about
Eddie are on the way!




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Please send all inquiries and suggestions to The Wizard...


For more information about The Wizard click on the button below