Full Name - Elida Reyna

Date of Birth - August 17, 1972

Home town - Mercedes, TX

Favorite color - Yellow (who would have guessed?)

Favorite food - Buffalo wings (and a salad, maybe?)

What do you like to do to relax? - sleep,
sleep, and oh, almost forgot... sleep!!!

Number of years in the music biz -
4 (professionally)

Favorite Actor - Sean Connery

Favorite Actress - Démi Moore

Favorite Movie - Godfather I, II, & III

Favorite Female Artist(s)- Celine Dion

Favorite Male Artist(s) - André Bocelli &
Steve Perry

Favorite Latin Female Artist(s) - Myriam
Hernandez, Rocio Durcal, y India

Favorite Latin Male Artist(s) - Juan Gabriel y
Vicente Fernandez

Last CD bought - The New Radicals

Favorite ice cream flavor(s) - Banana nut,
scoop of vanilla
and some hot fudge to top it

Favorite aphrodisiac - Oysters (hmm...
I wonder why?)

If you could date anyone famous, who
would it be? -
Chayanne (Unfortunately
Chayanne is married... and so is

Appreciate life and the people
around you.











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