Fans & Friends



This page is dedicated to the many Fans and
Friends that Elida Y Avante have met while
on the road. Thanks for everything that you
do for myself and the band, but Thank you
most of all for supporting us and believing
in our music.


Elida Y Avante




Epi with Friends in Houston, Texas


Elida showing off her Houston Rockets cap that this fan gave her


Epi, Noel, & Cande with fans
Cande says, "Don't forget I know where you live"

 Elida with a long time fan and Friend, Sheila

Elida taking time to pose for the camera with Dr. T

Elida and Yvette






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Please forward any inquiries or suggestions about this site to Vero.
Thank you!




This site is maintained and operated by Veronica Diaz
More information about The Wizard behind the Web Page