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Bart Simpsons Guide to Life

The following is from the book "Bart Simpsons Guide To life" © 1993 Matt Groening. I claim no right to it's creation. In fact I would recommend this book because it is so funny! Here are a few things in the book. Please don't take these things seriously they are intended as a joke. So if you try them and it doesn't work, don't blame me!!!


Never Fail Sick Excuse
Please excuse ___(your name here)___ for missing school for the past two days. He /She was suffering from amnesia and forgot to go to school. He/She is much better now, thank you. Please never mention this to anyone, as it may trigger a relapse.


_____(your parents signature)______

The Get-Out-Of-Gym Routine
___(your name here)____ injured his/her back carrying me across a puddle. He/She must not do anything that even sounds like exercise. Ever. Or we will sue you for everything you've got.


_____(your parents signature)______

Perfect Progress Report
Dear Mr. and/or Mrs. _____(your last name here)______.
I am writing to let you now how well ______(your name here)_______ is doing in my class. We all think she/he's totally cool and we hope she/he'll never change. How did she/he learn to whistle like that? Some day I might write to tell you how horrible _____(your name here)______ is, but I am a paranoid schizophrenic, so please ignore me then, or I might kill you.


_____(your parents signature)______

The Ultimate Hall Pass
______(your name here)______ is on an emergency mission, resurfacing my hair piece. Do not detain her/him for one second more, or I will assign you detention for the rest of the year.


_____(your principal's signature)______

Annoying Questions To Ask Your Teacher

  1. Can I go to the tinkle-dinkle ha ha room?

  2. How do we know that the sky isn't really green and we're just colorblind?

  3. Haven't personal calculators rendered long division irrelevant?

  4. Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?

  5. If you stick yourself with a pencil, will you get lead poisoning?

  6. Do amoebas feel love?

  7. Why do dogs sniff our butts?

  8. How's the diet going?

  9. Is any of this information pertinent to real life?

  10. Why did they name Uranus Uranus?

  11. Could you repeat the question I wasn't listening?

  12. Why are we yellow?

Dr. Bart's Miracle Cures


  1. Put your elbow in your mouth and hold it there for 30 minutes.

  2. Hold your breath, and while you're holding it drink an entire 8 oz. glass of water without stopping to breath.

  3. Turn your pockets inside out.

  4. If that doesn't work, turn someone else's pockets inside out.

  5. Place a wastebasket on your head and have someone play the drum solo from "In-a-gadda-da-vida."

  6. Eat a spoonful of sugar.

  7. Have someone run over your toes with a skateboard.

  8. Get noe-to-nose with someone you dislike and stare at him or her for 15 minutes.

  9. Put ice cubes in your shoes and walk backwards in them for 36 paces.

  10. Think of 3 bald men.

  11. Put a bunch of potato bugs in a sack and tie it around your neck with a string.

  12. Stand on your head.

  13. Accuse the victim of something he or she has not done.

  14. Breathe into a paper bag.

  15. Bungee jump

  16. Pour salt on your tongue.

  17. Bite your thumbs and blow hard against them for one minute.

  18. Write "I will not hiccup" 50 times on a blackboard.

  19. Whistle in the dark.

  20. Eat 10 candy bars. Who cares if the hiccups don't stop?


Apply an ice-cold Squishee to the affected area. Always remove cup first.

For severe burns, cover your entire body with a slave of blueberry gelatin mixed with avocado paste. Dot with miniature marshmallows.


There's an old wives' tale that says frogs give you warts. Not true. Frogs actually can cure warts. To get rid of warts, spend at least one hour per day fondling, petting, or kissing a frog. After several years, or maybe sooner, the warts should disapear.

Hay Fever

Apply waffle batter on and around the navel. Leave on overnight. WARNING: If you roll over onto your stomach in the night it may be difficult to remove yourself from bed in the morning.


Frogs also make excellent cough suppressants. To get rid of a cough, put a live frog in your mouth, then release it. Repeat 3 times. The cough should disappear, maybe.

Or eat several bowls of chocolate ice cream, followed by a big handful of breath mints. Wash everything down with a bottle of whiskey.


Cover pimples with a yellow highlighter. If condition persists, cover head with a brown paper bag.


a. Avoid any school-related activity for at least a week.

b. Body should be kept in a prone position, preferably in the living room on a long, comfortable sofa.

c. Intensive comic book reading and heavy doses of cartoon watching are advised. These activities have been clinically proven to speed recovery.


Unfortunately there is no cure for lockjaw. However, lockjaw is a great cure for obesity.

25 Cool Things To Be When You Grow Up!

  1. Ice cream taste tester
  2. Professional yo-yo-ist
  3. Embalmer
  4. Millionaire
  5. Snake charmer
  6. Vampire
  7. Billionaire
  8. B-movie mogul
  9. Monster truck racer
  10. Water-slide guinea pig
  11. Tight-rope walker
  12. UFO pilot
  13. Professional karaoke singer
  14. Cliff diver
  15. Lion tamer
  16. Blackjack dealer
  17. Warlock
  18. Skateboard champion
  19. Mad scientist
  20. Tattoo artist
  21. Secret agent
  22. Miniature golf pro
  23. Cat burglar
  24. Video game tester
  25. Trillionaire

25 Things Not To Be When You Grow Up!

  1. Street mime
  2. Liposuctionist
  3. Wigmaker
  4. Galley slave
  5. Political prisoner
  6. Radioactive waste collector
  7. Envelope licker
  8. Crash test dummy
  9. Scullery maid
  10. Balloon animal artist
  11. Romance novelist
  12. Infomercial host or hostess
  13. Lard packer
  14. Bowling pin setter
  15. Human sacrifice
  16. Dog food cook
  17. Septic tank repair man
  18. Fat man in a circus sideshow
  19. Janitor at an adult movie theater
  20. Republican
  21. Leech farmer
  22. Lipstick tester
  23. Talkshow host's wimpy sidekick
  24. Wart specialist
  25. A clone of your parents


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