World Trade Center Tragedy
11 September 2001
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Missing Persons

under construction
last updated Sept. 13, 2001 @ 10:00 a.m. EST

These are trying times for all of us. Many do not know if a friend or loved one is alive, injured, trapped or worse due to the devestation at Ground Zero. Here are some resources you can use to let people know you or a co-worker is okay, inquire as to the status of someone you know, or seek those you wish to find.

- World Trade Center Tragedy Missing Persons Message Board
- Safe Millenium: report that someone is safe, or find out if someone is safe.
- "I'm Okay" Message Center: add your name to the "I'm okay" list and find persons. Includes company notices to employees.
- Disaster Message Service: message board regarding the disaster, with "seek" and "okay" messages.
- NTAdmin: message board for survivors, and searches for loved ones.
- WTC People Locator: searchable database with status.
- WTC VScene: survivor list.
- The Survivor List: lists persons and their status.
- WTC Survivor Database: database of survivors, updated every 15 mins.

By the Numbers (reported missing)

- 40 employees of the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance
- 4 employees of the NYS Department of Transportation
- 112 civilian employees of the Port Authority
- 42 sworn officers of the Port Authority
- 2 Department of Environmental Conservation employees
- 16 Court of Claims employees
- Unknown number of employees of the NYS Comptroller's Office
- Unknown number of employees of the NYS Attorney General's Office
- 39 BC/BS employees
- 5 Harris Beach & Wilcox employees

By Name

- Neil Levin, Executive Director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
- John O'Neill, head of security for the World Trade Center and a former FBI expert on terrorism