HAL - 2000


This site contains some of the best quotes in history. Personally I love quotes, and I`ll be very happy to recive a quote if you have one. I take the freedom of cencoring the quotes from nasty words, and comments which might hurt people.


"Everything you see, blocks for something else you could have seen." Hallvard Anderssen Løtvedt

"When Hallvard was born he was, like no other, a gift to the world from his father and his mother." Hallvard Anderssen Løtvedt

"Don't take it for more than it's worth" Hallvard Anderssen Løtvedt

"If you kill to flies in one smatch you don`t sit back with the beard in the postcase." Thomas Davidsen

"Shall we take some soda?" Enok Groven

"Nudity sleeps with itslef." Enok Groven

"Not to show off, but.... I am a bit good." Trond Helmik (The Pocket Man)

"Oh, there`s a naked woman in bikini!" Enok Groven

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman" Bill Clinton

"Where there is heartroom there is houseroom" Titten Tei Andrè Von Drei

"It's not enough to tease the others, you must also remember to enjoy yourself " Knut Løtvedt, Kjell Johannessen & Mads Lie A.K.A Guttemusikklubben


If you have a nice quote, mail it to hallvard@loetvedt.com


©Hallvard Anderssen Løtvedt