Jude - King of Yesterday (Maverick)

The five fans of Owsley on this list should look into the third effort from Michael Jude Christodal.  Picture a sensitive kid brother of Owsley who’s more into Jeff Buckley (particularly on “Indian Lover”) than Big Star, and you’re close.  Some songs run dangerously close to the generic stuff ruling/ruining the airwaves, but his layered vocals set him apart, especially on the title track.  The rockin’ “Sit-Ups” is my favorite, and “The Not So Pretty Princess” is a cute acoustic pop ditty.  But it was his cover of Bread’s “Everything I Own” that really sucked me in.  He says it was done tongue-in-cheek, but you’d never know it.  The vocal is haunted and wounded, just like it should be.  Further proof that there is good pop out there, you just need to look a little harder to find it.


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