Dizzy Heights


Anyone Still Checking This Out?

Sorry, I've been most slackerlike in adding new stuff. But HEY, check out that right column! New stuff for the first time in 18 months. How'z about that. 

 Wedding Pictures are not coming up. I don't know why. Sorry.  


High School photos. Here. 

Who The Hell Are We?

Our main goal is to be your go-to guide for movies, music, books, and anything else we think is cool. Most of the reviews you find here will be written by either me (David Medsker) or my lovely wife (Deb). I don't dare to look for the Freudian symbolism or homoerotic subtext to movies (though in some cases, like Con Air and Top Gun, it's unavoidable). Just a regular guy's perspective. And using my site can occasionally save you money on stuff at our co-sponsors, so come back.

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We don't have partners anymore. I've sent them all packing. Some of them have sent me packing as well. 

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Any images from movies or music covers are property of their respective owners.  Contact us with questions.  Last Update: January 18, 2003