DDAVP ® (Desmopressin)
A synthetic Hormone (Arginine Vasopressin regulations Blood Pressure, Stomach & Intestinal movements, Uterine & Kidney Functions), used as a nasal spray, it works on the Kidneys to control Frequent Urination.
Common Side-Effects: an increase in Blood Pressure, Runny or Stuffy Nose, Abdominal or Stomach Cramps, Flushing of the Skin, Headache, Nausea, and Pain in the Vulva.
Unusual Side-Effects that require immediate medical attention: Confusion, Convulsions, Unusual Drowsiness, Continuing Headache, Rapid Weight Gain, and Markedly Decreased Urination.
Detrol® (Tolterodine Tartrate)
An effective, well-tolerated medication for the treatment of Overactive Bladder. A medical condition whose symptoms of Urinary Frequency, Urgency or Urge Incontinence negatively affect quality of life.
Are considered to be treatment related: Dry Mouth 59.5%, Dyspepsia 5.9%, Headache 11.0%, Constipation 6.5%, and Xerophthalmia (Vitamin A Deficientcy) 3.8%.
Dibenzyline® (Phenoxybenzamine)
A drug which Relaxes the Sphincter Muscle of the Bladder to relieve functional obstruction of Urinary Outflow. A major Side-Effect is Low Blood Pressure when the person is standing.
Ditropan XL® (Oxybutynin Chloride)
A once-daily drug therapy for Overactive Bladder, it is reported to be superior to placebo in terms of reduction in Urge Incontinence episodes experienced per week, with recipients experiencing about 15-18 fewer episodes per week.
The most common Side-Effects are: Dry Mouth 61%, Constipation 13%, Drowsiness 12%, Diarrhea 9%, Blurred Vision 8%, Dry Eyes 6%, Dizziness 6%, & Runny Nose 6%.
Hytrin® (Terazosin Hydrochloride)
An alpha-1-selective Adrenoceptor blocking agent. It is a Quinazoline derivative used to treat Bladder outlet obstruction (hesitant Bladder), without affecting Bladder contractility. Terazosin relaxes smooth muscles in the Bladder-Neck; without affecting the Bladder-Body, where there are fewer alpha-1-selective Adrenoceptors.
The most common Side-Effects are: Syncope (Hypotension), Dizziness 9.1%, Asthenia 7.4%, Nausea 4.4%, Postural Hypotension 3.9%, Lightheadedness, Somnolence 3.6%, Nasal Congestion/Rhinitis 1.9%, Impotence 1.6%, and Vertigo 1.4%.
Terazosin is Contraindicated with other AntiHypertensive agents, especially the Calcium Channel Blocker Verapamil®.
Ditropan® (Oxybutynin),
Cystopas® & Urispas® (Hyoscyamine Sulfate)
Are AntiCholinergic drugs that reduce Smooth Muscle Spasms in the Bladder and promote Bladder filling. People with Glaucoma are not to use and caution needs to be used if these drugs are taken in the presences of high environmental temperature - Heat Prostration can occur.
Tegretol® (Carbamazepine)
An AntiConvulsant that stops Incontinence, when it is caused by DeMyelination in the Pontine Micturition Center.
(See: Incontinence abstract)
Side-Effect: Rashes, Weakness, Drowsiness, & Aplastic Anemia. Low blood cell counts are a rare but possible Side-Effect.
Tofranil® (Imipramine)
A TriCyclic AntiDepressant used to treat mental Depression. Its primary use in Multiple Sclerosis is to treat Bladder symptoms, including Urinary Frequency and Incontinence. Imipramine is also prescribed occasionally for the management of Neurologic Pain in MS.
Side-Effects: Dry Mouth, Drowsiness, Increased Sensitive to Sunlight, Headache; Decreased Sexual Ability, Increased Appetite, Nausea, Unusual Tiredness or Weakness, Unpleasant Taste, Diarrhea, Heartburn, Increased Sweating, vomiting.
Aventyl®, Pamelor® (Nortriptyline)
A Selective Serotonin ReUptake Inhibiter (SSRI), not a MonoAmine Oxidase Inhibitor. It inhibits the activity of the NeuroTransmitters: Histamine, 5-Hydroxytryptamine (Serotonin), & Acetylcholine.
It increases the effect of NorEpinephrine but blocks the response of Phenethylamine. Nortriptyline interferes with the transport, release, and storage of Catecholamines. It is similar to Amitriptyline, but its onset of action is milder and also works to improve Mood while decreasing Insomnia and Pain.
And other Tri-Cyclic AntiDepressants have a long biological half-life, therefore it takes about two weeks to accumulate in the body before its concentration becomes stable. Side-Effects include Dry Mouth, Constipation, and Bladder Hesitance.
Has different side effects than Elavil and the therapeutic benefits are sooner. The dry mouth and sedation that accompany Elavil disappear with Prozac.
Side-Effects: include Anxiety, Dry Mouth, Nervousness, Somnolence, Insomnia, Tremors, Diarrhea, Dizziness and Light Headiness.
A Tri-Cyclic AntiDepressant which has the same actions and side effects as Elavil. It is only administered once a day because of its long duration of action.