The Glen's Gallery
Sparkling Blue Line

Support World Peace Keep Free Speech Alive Equal Access Is A Right

Original poetry and prose by my fellow MSers expressing all the shades and variances life offers.

If you enjoy a particular piece, please feel free to write the artist. Each author's E-Mail address follows their work, unless they have requested otherwise. Simply click on the flying envelope to send them your thoughts.

At the bottom of each page, the arrow - on the right side, will take you directly to the next selection without your having to return to this page. The man's face will bring you back here, and the house will return you to my homepage.


Small Electric Train


Resist Internet Censorship - Get Informed

The following links are to some off-site articles, I found to be interesting and hope you will too. If you'd like me to post some of your writing here..... the more the merrier...
I always say........ just drop me a note!

Netscape Now To LIFE


Albany HomePage

The Glen's Gallery MS-tery