Please seek the advice of your physician before starting any diet and excercise regimen.

Working Out Can Be Fun.....if you want it to be!

Below is a basic excercise plan that I use for my own weight loss. You can modify it to fit your own lifestyle.

Once the soreness dwindles down to will begin to see and feel the difference these simple excercises can make.

The biggest thrill will be when you can fit into those clothes that you had given up on ever wearing again. Won't that be great!?!

I feel that it is well worth the physical pain (in the beginning) to gain great health and well being.

Let me know how you like my ideas, email me

Exercise Plan

Day 1

Day 2


If you experience soreness from the first day of workout....DO NOT do the second days workout! Your muscles need to relax first. If you continue, it could cause damage to your muscles. Wait a day and then continue.

This same type of workout, if you wanna call it that, should be continued faithfully for about 2 weeks. Every other day is fine.
By this time you should be able to build up to more strenuous exercises...i.e... running/jogging, biking 5 miles or more.....

I was jogging 2 miles every other day.....yes, I probably could have done more, but I just wanted muscle toning and I got it.


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