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Fiber Facts

Is Fiber a Nutrient? What is Fiber? Is it important? No it is not a nutrient.Fiber is present naturally in foods.There are two kinds of fiber, ssoluble and insoluble, depending on their ability to dissolve in water.The insoluble form of fiber is not digested in our body, but animals like cows can digest this a sthey have a false stomach where the insoluble fiber is broken down by bacteria. The insoluble fiber helps in pooping!. Scientists have shown that the soluble form of fiber protects against heart disease. Fiber is also known to protect against some forms of cancers, hemorrhoids and diverticulosis. Soluble fiber can slow the absorption of sugars which is helpful for a diabetic.
Make sure you are happy this holiday get enough fiber. A fiber intake of 20-35 grams/day is recommended. An average American eats only 16 grams/day. No wonder that commercial fiber products are a billion dollar industry !!