American Medical Student Association, University of Miami Premedical Chapter Constitution 20 January 1999Preamble: We, the members of the American Medical Student Association, University of Miami Premedical Chapter, hereby associate ourselves to:
Article I: Name The name of this organization shall be the American Medical Student Association, University of Miami Premedical Chapter hereafter referred to as the AMSA UM Premed Chapter.
Article II: Membership Section A: The membership of this organization will be open to all University of Miami students in Good Academic Standing who have paid their Student Activity Fee. Non-voting "Associate" or "Honorary" memberships may be extended to interested faculty, alumni, and staff members at the University of Miami.
Section B: The advisor of the AMSA UM Premed Chapter shall be a full-time University of Miami administrator, faculty, or staff member. This individual shall preferably be the premedical advisor of the University of Miami or an employee of the University with medical experience and/or training. The advisor shall be a non-voting member of the executive committee. He/she must have a sincere interest and commitment to the welfare of the AMSA Premed Chapter. Section C: The membership fees are payable yearly. If a member becomes delinquent in payment by the second Friday of December, he/she will be denied the right to vote for that school year or run for office. Any eligible member that fails to pay dues will lose membership status and benefits. The dues for membership to the AMSA Premed Chapter shall be determined by the AMSA Executive Board of the University of Miami. Section E: Failure to comply with Article II, Section D, without having proper consent will result in a revocation of active status. Section A: The officers of the organization shall be:
Section B: All currently enrolled students at the University who have paid their Student Activity Fee, are members of AMSA national as well as the AMSA Premed Chapter at the University of Miami for at least one semester prior to the election, are in Good Academic Standing as determined by the University of Miami, and have met with the AMSA Premed Chapter executive board to understand the details of the desired position are eligible to run for office. Section C: The length of the term of office will extend from the officer's April swearing-in until the successive officer's installation the following April. Section D: If any office shall become vacant except for the presidency, the president shall, at the earliest possible date thereafter, order a special election for the purposes of filling such office conducted in accordance with Article IV. The member thus elected shall immediately enter his/her duties and shall hold office until the next regular election. The vice president would assume the role as acting president if the president were to leave, merely completing the original president's term.
Article IV: Election of Officers Section A: Nominations for officers will be received from the floor immediately before elections. Section B: Officers will be elected by all active members in attendance, voting directly by secret ballot. However, if there is only one nominee for an office, a vocal vote shall be held for that instance. Otherwise, all ballots shall be counted by the current, non-running AMSA UM Premed Chapter Executive Board and tallied, along with the adviser and/or non-returning senior that is an active AMSA Premed member. Run-off elections shall be held if a majority is not cast for any one candidate. The candidate with a plurality shall be the officer-elect, until later installed into the respective office. Section C: Elections will be held during a December meeting of the AMSA Premed Chapter, unless a special election is called for in order to replace any officer(s) that might have resigned (except for the President). Section D: Installation of new officers will be in the April general meeting.
Article V: Duties of Officers Section A: The officers shall perform the duties stated below, under penalty of disciplinary action and/or impeachment. The executive board shall facilitate annual goals to the general members. The President:
The Vice President:
The Treasurer:
The Secretary:
The Sergeant at Arms:
Section B: All finances shall be controlled by the president and treasurer, along with the advisor. There must be a budget each year as proposed by Article V, Section A, sub-sections a and c. All funds must be spent on organizational purposes only. The transfer of power of controlling all funds shall be done one week after the new officer has been appointed. Section C: Officers retain voting rights. However, the president votes only in the event of a tie. Section A: The duties of the AMSA UM Premed Chapter Directors shall be to attend all committee chairpersons meetings and hold the office in the best interest of the organization. This specifically includes:
Article VII: Meetings Section A: Regular meetings will be held from September through April; the place and hour to be determined by the AMSA UM Premed Chapter officers. Section B: Special meetings may be called the Executive Board, or the AMSA UM Premed Chapter advisor. Section C: The various meetings include:
Section D: Quorum for general membership, annual election and special meetings shall be those active members present, provided proper notice is given, as defined in the AMSA UM Premed Chapter bylaws. A quorum for officer meetings shall consist of 50 percent of the voting members, at least three (3) members.
Article VIII: Committees Section A: The standing committees of this shall be run in the best interest, as the need arises, of the chapter and include:
Section B: Temporary committees shall organize certain events throughout the year, and may include:
Section C: The duties of the committees are as follows:
Article IX: External Affiliation The American Medical Student Association,University of Miami Premedical Chapter is affiliated with the national American Medical Student Association. The AMSA UM Premed Chapter is governed by AMSA laws and its own. The AMSA UM Premed Chapter is free to govern itself under the guidelines set forth. The AMSA UM Premed Chapter at the University of Miami will meet with AMSA once a year at the Annual Convention. The American Medical Student Association is located at the following address: 1902 Association Drive
Article X: Parliamentary Authority The latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order: Newly Revised shall be used in all situations not covered by the provisions of this constitution.
Article XI: Amendments Section A: This constitution may be amended at any general membership meeting of the organization by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active members present, provided that the amendment proposed had been submitted in writing to the AMSA UM Premed Chapter president and posted in a conspicuous location for at least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting. All amendments, additions and/or deletions to the constitution of the above named organization shall be adopted only after a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the active members present. Additional articles and amendments may be included only if they are in consonance with the University of Miami and AMSA regulations and policies. These must be filed with COSO and the AMSA Premed national office within ten (10) school days of adoption. Section B: Amendments are to be presented to the Committee on Student Organizations (COSO) at the University of Miami for final approval prior to implementation.
Article XII: Discipline Section A: Any member may be automatically dismissed from the AMSA UM Premed Chapter if they declare Academic Bankruptcy, withdraw or are expelled from the University of Miami, or violate the Honor Code as determined by the University of Miami Honor Council. Active members must have paid their Student Activity Fee.
Article XIII: Impeachment Section A: To begin the impeachment process, either two-thirds (2/3) of the Executive Board must agree or two-thirds (2/3) of the General Membership Body must sign a petition to ask for impeachment. Section B: The Impeachee, Directors, Executive Board, and general membership must be notified of the impeachment meeting to be held within two to four weeks (2 to 4) of the decision to impeach while classes are in session. Section C: The moderator of the impeachment meeting will be the president of the organization, unless the charges are brought against him/her. In such a situation, the Vice-President shall moderate. The moderator cannot be the Impeachee or the Impeacher. Section D: Three-fourths (3/4) of the active membership must be present for the impeachment to commence. Section E: Each side of the impeachment Proceedings will present their case to the General Membership Body. The General Membership Body may ask questions of each side. Section F: The participants in the Impeachment Process leave the meeting while the General Membership Body discusses the pros and cons. Section G: A vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present at the Impeachment Meeting is sufficient for Impeachment.
Article XIV: Dissolution Section A: This organization may be dissolved after dissolution is approved by the officers and by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of its active members present, provided that a notice of the vote on dissolution is furnished to the members at least sixty (60) days prior to the vote. Section B: This organization will have its officers notify the Committee on Student Organizations (COSO), in writing, of its dissolution and the procedure used to dissolve. The officers will also have to provide information in compliance with Section A. Section C: Upon dissolution the offices will use the assets of the organization to pay all obligations and expenses of the organization, including those arising from dissolution and distribution. The balance, if any, will insofar as possible be distributed equally among the contributing factors. All unspent University of Miami funds, including those allocated by SAFAC, shall revert back to SAFAC. All privately obtained funds shall be donated to a non-profit organization.