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"Kaumudi Implant and Cosmetic Services"(KiCS) is a dental speciality care center  planned to a deviation from typical hospital or clinics  to give a pleasant experience. 
We  endeavour to provide quality services with better functionality and modern approaches in dentistry.

Provide quality health care clinics
We wish to provide quality consultation clinics through the faculty of visiting consultants who would be available through appointments and cater to the healthcare needs of the society for health related problems. 

Provide quality operative work
It is designed into a fully equipped setup for conducting speciality clinics and advanced dental surgery with implant center. It is to be a small but a modern unit and mini-operatory offering unique healthcare services and quality operative work 

Computerised Networkable Case records
Attempt is towards preserving all cases records through computerised means so that patients receive all reports with precision quality. Records would be easy to maintain and transferable to other places even in digital fashion.

Promotion of education and awareness towards health care
Patients would be made aware and motivated relative to their healthcare needs through our attempt at providing a 'Patient education kiosk'. Patients can get access to their health queries through resources on the internet and also audio- visual presentations made at 'the kiosk' which requires a nominal registration. They can take home printouts of information or leave requests to be answered at next visit.

You will find lot of information on different procedures in dentistry here along with some of our case presentations. Welcome to these new concepts and procedures in modern dentistry.

KICS Staff and Faculty




©  Kaumudi Implant and Cosmetic services, KICS  2001.