Issy's Lupus Information Center

Lupus Facts II

* Common Symptoms in SLE

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Common Symptoms In SLE

* Persistent fatigue

* Chronic headaches; migraines and/or severe tension headaches

* Persistent muscle weakness; easily sprained joints; tendonitis

* Body aches; swollen lymph glands anywhere in the body

* Swelling of the feet, legs, hands, and eyelids

* Increasing hair loss; broken hair at scalp

* Sores in the mouth and/or nose; raw tongue; swollen, painful gums; bleeding gums; unexplained teeth and jaw pain; unexplained laryngitis/hoarseness, which may come and go

* Skin rashes ANYWHERE on the body, of an unknown origin

* Hives and/or sores on the skin -- with or without sun exposure

* Painful, stiff joints, with or without redness and swelling

* Chest pain, shortness of breath

* Recurring or persistent abdominal pain

* Persistent nausea and/or vomiting

* Low-grade fever of an unknown origin

* Unexplained weight-loss

* Frequent infections

* Recurring symtoms

* Chronic fatigue which presents as an exhaustion out of proportion to what one would expect from any given activity

* Blurred, cloudy, or double vision

* Dizziness, memory impairment, difficulty concentrating, seizures

* Unexplained anxiety and/or depression out of the ordinary for the individual

* Either excessive menstral flow, or lack of menstration

* Miscarriages

* Flebitis (blood clots)

* "Spider viens"

* Petikia (small, reddish-purple, star-shaped spots on the skin)

*** This is certainly NOT a complete listing of Lupus symptoms ***


Lupus is often a self-repetitive disease, meaning each individual usually experiences recurrences of the same symptoms. However, the disease can be progressive, with new and more damaging affects occurring.

The most commonly-shared symptoms among all lupus patients are:

Debilitating fatigue(90%); headaches(80%); cognitive impairments such as memory lapses, difficulty concentrating, and poor word-association -- all of which come and go(75%); joint pain and swelling(50%); muscle weakness(50%); and frequent infections.

Beyond these basic similarities, the symptoms of SLE are as diverse as the people who have it. Because lupus produces the greatest number of auto-antibodies found in any disease, it also has the the widest variety of symptoms found in any illness.

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