Introduction to My Journal

 Did you want results? Everyone wants results. In fact , you see it everyday . Someone is always giving their testimony , about how much weight they lost or how much muscle they gained , but does anyone truly give their whole testimony? Most people don't , there is always some catch to it. There are many people with tremendous testimonies out there. They are usually trying to promote some type of nutritional product , system or something that they have used to get the results. This route will usually lead you to losing more then a little weight. You will quite often lose a great deal of money in the process. What is the answer to this turmoil? Get back to the basics! The basics are basic principals and fundamentals , that have been around for a long time , and it will save you money! What are the basics?  Well "here it is". It is all here in my real life "COMPLETE TESTIMONY". You will find most of the basics in this testimony.
  I am going to give you exactly what you need. You can follow me every step of the way through my personal records of everything I did. This is everything I did to lose 40 lbs. in 12  weeks . This is the first time I have ever made this public. Not only did I lose 40 lbs. , but I did maintain much of my hard earned muscle.
  Many Bodybuilders , Fitness competitors , Actors, Musicians , and , other Entertainers have followed programs similar to this to achieve top condition. You now have the liberty of seeing exactly what I did to lose 40 lbs. in such a short period of time. O.k. well here is the first page of my Personal Journal , in preparation for The 1996 Hawaii Natural Bodybuilding Championship.

Tuesday May 21,1996
Approximately ,13 weeks until Ironman Naturally (The Hawaii Naturals , was previously The Ironman Naturally) . Start preparation.
Last good meal.

Meal 1 - corned beef and potatoes , 1 egg , Fried Rice

Meal 2-Meal Replacement drink  with peanut butter

Trained Back , Shoulders , and Abdominals
Close grip Lat pull downs (reverse grip) 5 sets , 120 lbs. to 200 lbs.
Note: I normally start at a lower weight and increase the weight on each succeeding set.
Barbell rows 5 sets , 135 lbs. to 225 lbs.
Cable row 4 sets 135 lbs. to 240 lbs.
Laterals 4 sets 20 lbs. to 35s' lbs.
Hammer strength presses 4 sets , 70 lbs. to 180 lbs.
Flex Rear deltoid machine 3 sets 100 lbs.
Crunches 3 sets , each set with maximum repetitions.
Knee ins 3 sets, each set with maximum repetitions.
Machine crunch 2 sets , 135 lbs.

Cardio: 30 minutes Stair climber

Bodyweight=189 lbs.

Meal 3-Meal Replacement drink

  Now this is the exact 1st page of my actual Journal. You will notice that I did not necessarily keep records everyday. With the meal preparation , eating 5-6 times a day , going to the gym and doing cardiovascular exercise, There was not always time for writing in my journal.
  Follow my journal logs as an outline and you to will achieve good results. The key to a successful diet and exercise program , is to be original. You must tailor the exercise and nutrition plan to your own individual needs. So don't be afraid to be creative.
  The lack of creativity , is why so many people fail to be successful with their fitness goals. You must be creative and devise a program that you can follow and will follow , to get you to your desired level of fitness. I have seen it so many times before. People fail to reach the level of fitness that they would like to achieve. Why do they fail? Are they any different from your average Fitness competitor or Bodybuilder? The only difference is , in the lack of creativity. Yes , Bodybuilders and Fitness competitors are very creative. They are creative in the sense that they create a program that they can follow. They create a program that works for them.
  Take a look through any bodybuilding or Health and fitness publication , there are no two regimens exactly alike. Why is this? The reason for this is, each athlete develops their own personal program. Sure the exercises may be similar and the principals alike, but no two programs are identical. This is the very reason for their success at their chosen sport. So , if you are reading this , chances are you were not as successful as you would like to be , or maybe you just want to expand your knowledge on Health , Fitness and Bodybuilding. Whatever your reason may be , I am convinced that your journey through my journal will help you.