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Welcome! Glad to see you here - grab a Coke and settle in for a while!

everything you need will be on the menu to the left, if you hold your pointer over a particular link, a short description will appear.

Feel free to e-mail me with ideas, suggestions, complaints or whatever! :)

Lemon and Paeroa - World Famous in New Zealand!... If you're looking for info on L&P (Lemon and Paeroa) click on this button which is on every page of this site.

Please check out my other sites at

If you have a website, and would like to link to this one, then please click here

Kind Regards, Tharrin Way...

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15,900 visitors
to this site
Nov. 1997
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Lemon and Paeroa - World Famous in New Zealand!... tharrin's coca-cola site.... all about tharrin way....  (that's me!)

copyright - tharrin way
Discliamer: the site owner is in no way affiliated with Coca-Cola or L&P
This is a non-profit site produced merely for the enjoyment of those who enjoy Coke products, and to supply info on what Coca-Cola is doing in New Zealand.