Modern Ukrainian Desserts

Chocolate Cakes "Kartoplynka"

'Kartoplynka' is the Ukrainian word for 'small potato' (the third syllable is stressed). But the cakes have nothing to do with potatoes. Just because they are chocolate and oblong they have the appearance of a potato. When I was a child it was my favorite cake.

1 glass of sugar
1 glass of milk
2 tsp of cocoa (liquid)
1 tsp of dry cocoa (for rolling the cakes in)
200g of butter
300g of vanilla rusks
200g of nuts
half a glass of icing sugar

Mix the cocoa with sugar, pour hot milk into it. Boil until sugar melts. Put vanilla rusks through the mincer. Add them to the mixture. Blend thoroughly. Create small balls out of the mixture.

Mix crushed nuts, icing sugar and cocoa and roll the cakes in this mixture. Refridgerate before serving.

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